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Thanks to all the Volunteers and Sponsors for Day of Caring

We are always glad to have groups come out to the Park to volunteer on the Day of Caring, and we are equally glad to have individuals come out and join in!  Thanks to all of you for your hard work, your smiles, and your time on Saturday, Nov 18!  We need every single person, and we appreciate each one.

Thanks to our sponsors: Dunkin Donuts, Walmart, Chef’s Pizzeria, Office Depot, and MyCroft Signs.

These teams joined us on Saturday: Cherokee High ROTC, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kiwanis of Kingsport, Kingsport Lions Club, Northeast TN Master Gardeners, Northeast State, TN Promise and TN Achieves Students, West Ridge High School Key Club, DBHS Key Club; welcome to two new groups who joined us this Fall, Volunteer ETSU (50 participants)  and Knoxville TVA Credit Union.

As Mary Steadman says “it takes a village”!  And we are super grateful to have you all as part of our village!



  • Friends of Warriors’ Path State Park, a group of concerned citizens, decided to help the Park by establishing a non-profit organization to improve, protect, and preserve Warriors’ Path State Park through user ideas, funding, and volunteer labor. It is important to note that any money you give to Friends goes directly to benefit Warriors’ Path State Park. Park facilities such as the golf course, campsites, and rentals do generate revenue; however this money goes into the state’s overall budget for all TN State Parks. Monies returned to the Warriors’ Path budget are not adequate to meet current or future needs for maintenance and improvements. And that is where Friends comes in – to provide to the Park for things beyond just the operating budget.

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Reba Barber

Friends of Warriors’ Path State Park, a group of concerned citizens, decided to help the Park by establishing a non-profit organization to improve, protect, and preserve Warriors’ Path State Park through user ideas, funding, and volunteer labor. It is important to note that any money you give to Friends goes directly to benefit Warriors’ Path State Park. Park facilities such as the golf course, campsites, and rentals do generate revenue; however this money goes into the state’s overall budget for all TN State Parks. Monies returned to the Warriors’ Path budget are not adequate to meet current or future needs for maintenance and improvements. And that is where Friends comes in – to provide to the Park for things beyond just the operating budget.