There has been a lot of repair, replacement, and maintenance to several artistic items at the Boundless Playground in the last few months! Here are pictures of just a few of those items.
These efforts have been made possible by funding under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Arts Commission.
Friends of Warriors’ Path State Park has partnered with Engage Kingsport to make all these projects possible using $10,000 of funding!
We appreciate so many who have participated in the work made possible with this partnership.
Full list of items:
- Repairs to Lion’s Narnia Braille Trail: Mr. Tumnus, Tumnus Cave, Beaver House
- Repaired damage to 2 areas of the brick sculpture in the middle of the playground- bluebird beak, and Darrell’s nose, plus brick “Braille dots” that had been scraped away
- Professional power wash/refinishing of Anderson Tree House artistic entry sign
- Audio repair to Lions Braille Trail speakers
Thanks again to Engage Kingsport for your partnership!!