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Our History

History of the Friends Organization

In 1993, Tennessee passed legislation authorizing private, non-profit groups to organize for maintaining and enhancing the purposes, programs, and functions of the state park system. These groups, known as Friends, are concerned citizens who have banded together to assist in protecting, preserving and promoting the beauty and the splendor of their favorite state park.

Friends of Warriors’ Path State Park was formed by charter on March 24th, 1998, by a group of citizens who wanted to improve the park. It was organized under the TN state law, allowing for the creation of a Friends of the Park. They give selflessly of their time, talents, and energy to help ensure the Park’s integrity is intact for future generations to enjoy.

Native History

This is the History of the Warrior’s Path according to the modern day Remnant Yuchi Nation.

For more information on the Yuchi people and how they slipped through the cracks of time please visit:

Warriors Path is thousands of years old. These paths were created by the ancient animals traveling in search of food, water and companionship. Ancient Native American Indians followed these paths for the same reason as the animals. In more recent times, about 1,200 years ago, a large group of Native Americans, who called themselves Tsoyaha (Children of the Sun), ventured into present day Tennessee.

Eventually the Tsoyaha had towns from Florida to Indiana and from the Mississippi River to the coast of South Carolina. These people were great traders and became known by many names.

Following the animal paths the Tsoyaha settled in the rich valleys of Tennessee and Virginia. The Tsoyaha used these paths as trade routes. The long island in Kingsport, Tennessee was a major trade town. It was occupied by the Tsoyaha as a major river trade route. The name of this island was called Tanasi, which means a confluence of streams, or a meeting place. The state of Tennessee takes its name from the Yuchi language.

Finally the Creek Nation called these people Yuchi, which was “Far away people”. In 1838-39 most of the Yuchi were removed to Oklahoma, with other Southeastern tribes. The Yuchi of NE Tennessee and SW Virginia were not forced to Oklahoma. The remaining Yuchi people known as the Remnant Yuchi Nation today still live in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. Warriors’ Path State Park was born as a result of the ancient Yuchi warriors using these paths as trade routes.

Chief Lee Vest
Remnant Yuchi Nation

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