Mountain Bike Trail Head Improvements! Thanks Vulcan Materials!
Special thanks to Vulcan Materials for their gravel donation to improve the drainage issues at the trailhead parking lot entrance. Board members Pat Breeding and Mary Steadman assisted with the partnership and volunteers Joe Davis, Don Barker, Dave Deroco and Richard Tyner provided the equipment and tools and labor to spread the rock. We are grateful for everyone for their support on this project!
Volunteers replaced the small gravel at the entrance of the parking, with a combination of different sized and packed gravel to slow water coming down the hill. The new gravel combination will keep the trailhead parking lot from washing out.
Rose Moffett, Community Relations Coordinator at Vulcan said, “Central Division Vulcan Materials is proud to support Warriors’ Path State Park. Helping our communities grow their economy and improve the quality of life for all is core to our mission of being the foundation of our communities. Our products are used to build the infrastructure, from roads and bridges to churches, schools and homes. We provide the essentials to building your community. Supporting Warriors’ Path State Park with our products to improve the trail system is a perfect example of a partnership that benefits the whole community and beyond.”